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Building Fiber in The Neighborhoods 

Step 1 Utility Locates 

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Step 2 Expose Utilities

Utility locates will be called in for the area. The area will then be flagged for existing utilities. It is of the utmost importance that you DO NOT pull these flags for any reason! We will pull them once we are done. We will also need to be made aware of any private utilities such as invisible dog fence, gas lines, etc...  

Step 3 Innerduct & Handholes

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After all utilities have been exposed Night Owl will bore in the orange innerduct and place handholes and pedestals. 

Step 5 Splicing 


The Night Owl crew will dig in the right of way (ROW) or utility easement to physically expose the utilities we plan to cross. This is done to prevent any damage of existing utilities. 

Step 4 Fiber


Now that all the innerduct and handholes are in place we can pull or blow fiber through the innerduct. The fiber is kept as one piece and can be as long as 20,000ft.

The last step to building fiber in the neighborhoods is to splice the fiber.
This will bring the newly constructed fiber optic cables live and "Fiber Install to Your Property Process" can begin.

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